Jedna z moich stylizacji  została wyróżniona w konkursie "Styl Macieja Zienia" i pojawiła się w magazynie Simens FreshLook. Jest mi bardzo miło, gdyż Maciej Zień i Karolina Malinowska wytypowali mnie z ponad 200 nadesłanych zdjęć.

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One of my outfit was chosen by polish designer Maciej Zień and stylist Karolina Malinowska from over 200 applications, and it has featured in Simens FreshLook Magazine.


Pants are from Zara, but also Topman provides wide range of paisley print clothes.

Flow Through My Veins

Red coat - Zara
Waxed jeans - Zara

Who Let the Dogs Out

Rottweiler Tshirt - Givenchy
Skinnies - Zara
Boots - Antoine Stanley

From The Murder Capital

Leather sleeved coat - @
Boots with bow - Zara